Saturday, October 17, 2015

Healthy Pumpkin French Toast

Fall is here and you can never have enough pumpkin recipes.  These pumpkin french toast are perfect for a Saturday or Sunday morning brunch.  You can get really creative with different toppings, fruit, dark chocolate shavings or light whipped cream.  A loaf of bread that's a few days old is best to use.

Make your batter mix first.

Make sure you let all excess mix drip off before cooking.

Healthy Pumpkin French Toast
2 Egg Whites
2 Tbsp canned pumpkin puree
1/4 cup vanilla almond milk
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp sugar

Whip egg whites lightly.  Mix in the rest of the ingredients and beat with a whisk.  
Heat skillet and spray with cooking spray.
Dip bread in mix one at a time on both sides, making sure you let excess drip off.  Cook on hot skillet until nicely browned.
Serve immediately with favorite topping.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Crave Sweets Under Pressure?

There is a reason we crave sweets when we are stressed.  Sugar suppresses our stress hormone cortisol but then once we indulge we are left hungrier and the vicious cycle begins.  Stop this cycle!  Eating snacks that are high in fiber, fat and protein have great soothing benefits.  Here are some great snacks to eat when we start craving.


Celery with almond butter and raisins can pack a good dose of energizing carbs along with filling fiber, fat and protein.


Dark chocolate has a bold flavor that will curb your sweet cravings.  An ounce a day also reduces stress hormones.


Dairy packs a lot of protein and calcium and both help to release the feel-good chemicals.


Trail mix with nuts helps the body respond better to stress.  Pair it with dried fruit and some dark chocolate for the best results.


A lot of times we think we're hungry when we are actually just thirsty.  Make your drinks interesting so that you are inclined to drink liquids.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Get A Good Night's Sleep

Tired of being tired?  5 ways to get a good night sleep. 

1.     Make Your Bed.  Who knew making your bed could raise your chance of getting a good night’s sleep.   The simple reason: It creates positive vibes when it comes to bedtime.

2.     Easy on the hefty dinner – it can trigger acid reflux and cause you to toss and turn through the night.  Keep your evening meal simple, a lean protein like chicken or fish with a side of veggies or salad.

3.     The fast train to zzzzzsville is fueled by small snacks like a handful of whole wheat crackers with peanut butter or cereal with almond milk.  The nuts contain tryptophan, a building block of the sleep chemical serotonin, while the carbs make the tryptophan more available to your brain. 

4.     Lavender isn’t just a schlocky gimmick.  It’s been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, which relaxes you.  Folks who sniff it before bed sleep deeper and feel more vigorous in the morning, according to a study done at Wesleyan University.

5.     If you don’t have a white-noise app, switch on the fan.  Background sounds like a car driving by or a door closing might not wake you up fully, but they rouse you out of the deep, restorative sleep your body needs to stay energized.

Prevention Magazine